Sunday, November 2, 2014



Consider this; the human body is nearly 90% water. The teachings of Dr. Omoto allow us to see and open our minds to unconsidered possibilities.
Next consider this; the human brain does not know the difference between what it is seeing/happening now and what it has seen/happened in the past.  
Also consider; our lives, moods, pasts can mold every future act or decision it makes based on an emotion attached to our memories.
Does this mean we are stuck in our past mistakes and make them over and over?? I believe it's quite the opposite-so let's examine some possibilities.
Applying the Quantum Field sounds daunting-but it's not. Anyone who looses themselves while doing something they are completely committed to, and I mean time and space no longer matter, you just ARE; you are unconsciously making the choice to enter the Quantum realm.
When a body does exist in an unlimited possibility state, changes down to the cellular level take place, first and foremost, the addiction process takes a hit because inside the cell receptors are filling with NEW peptides, releasing NEW, DIFFERENT states of being and the brain no longer plays the same old script a body is used to (addicted to):My definition of addiction=ANYTHING a person cannot stop, even an emotion, state of being, often accompanied with the definition of insanity-doing the same action and expecting different results.
I started with water it being the most receptive of the four elements. Knowing how pig headed I can be so I require lots of proof, (an emotion I'm sure I'm addicted to), I watched the Study Of Water over and over until my resistance to change wore down and I gave it a try. I picked up my water containing my grapefruit seed extract, liver cleanse herbs, and held it a few seconds telling it "this water will heal me with love". I then told myself "this  water will heal me with love". All day, every day I held my water filled with love and healing, repeating my loving healing message with every sip. It's WORKING. For so long I was filed with self loathing, pain, guilt, all emotions I have been addicted to. To heal from disease I'm finding requires what they say in AA "an attitude of gradatude" and not only apply it-BELIEVE it-live it  Change has to have room to grow. Negitive emotions will wear a cell down so when it splits into sister/daughter cells, its 'sick', tired and certainly open to any virus/bactera/parasite invasion. Cells filled with 'good vibe receptors ' will split stronger and be  more resistant
I am now experiencing so many inexplicable things-amazing things, beautiful human connection things!
I also started having different memories of happy times, started dreaming, amazing for me to dream as I have had few the last few years due to Lyme. I realized looking back, I had often lived in the Quantum realm, believing with all my heart and soul I could do and be anything I wanted. The hard part for me was to keep living in that realm; example; When I was 36 I decided I really needed to get a less physical job and that required computer skills. Never had I used or had a computer, with the exception of working as an in house dispatcher in a hospital-a job I really loved, but the computer was simply a glorified switchboard, not taking any Word/Excel experience.  I went to the Unemployment office and signed up for every class involving computer skills I could find. One day my career counselor called me into her office and just outright asked me "what does your heart and soul tell you as far as a career choice". I answered honestly-I was a musician. I was an artist. I was a gardener. I was always creating things of beauty out of what others considered junk.  I told her I wanted to open a craft store where I used what the land offered, which in upstate NY is grapevines everyone wants to get rid of, and use flowers I grew and dried myself to make wreaths. She asked me to come back in a week with a wreath and any other ideas I had. Long story short-I ended up with a $20,000 grant, started up my business and BLEW IT! I had lived in the  Quantum realm the entire 2 years it took me to write my own business plan, present it to COC, even played my flute for our Senator who presented me with my grant-then my now ex screamed at me-"I never got something for nothing"-enter self loathing. Enter guilt. Enter self doubt. All the new cell receptors I had built got reprogrammed in a matter of days-surely this stupid woman who only made it to 10th grade deserved nothing good.only bad, punishable by simply existing was what I deserved. THIS IS/WAS SIMPLY THE MOVIE REWIND I WAS ALWAYS ADDICTED TO-it's so much easier to fail and meet every ones expectations of failure then to keep believing in yourself and stop owning every ones pain as your fault. It sure gave me enough ammo to repeat these types of behaviours and even find people to feed my addiction to misery.
In conclusion, what I'm trying to explain here that applies to chronic illness, is 'thinking good thoughts' is a band-aid if one is not careful to daily implement new experiences and emotions because every day, every hour, every minute is a possibility to feel better by letting go of the old movies-give yourself a break-find a passion and do it. My new passion is research and sharing ideas. I believe with every cell in my body I will get better and I deserve to get better.

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